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Letters to Logos

Author's Note
Author's Note - E.B.
Complimenting this website is a Twitter feed where all pages will be posted as separate tweets. The Twitter feed is the place for ongoing discussions, opinions, or other related videos and links. It should stay open, uncensored, and respectful. There are Twitter and YouTube links at the top of each page that direct to summaries and video readings of each post, respectively. On the Twitter links, please feel free to comment, quote from the blog, and discuss!
With the exception of the Twitter feed for discussion and quoting purposes, otherwise: no recreation, duplication, or other representation of the content contained within this website is permitted unless otherwise approved by the author of this blog. All content is explicitly copyrighted unless approved by author. All design work, with the exception of webpage background artwork, is owned and controlled by the author. All written content on this blog is the original work of the author and reflects the author's viewpoints alone. The author is not directly affiliated with any political party, business, school, charity, website, or other 3rd party group(s); although the author is indirectly affiliated with Wix, Twitter, and YouTube through advertising links and use of services.
Happy reading!

© 2018 Ethan Blake
Perchance the night of bounty at last submits, and thine only sanctum survives betwixt our knotted paws. Will the canon of the stars linger unsung before the council of revolution?
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